Julie Bunkley

Personal Branding + Virtual Stylist

Endlessly curious about finding confidence in fashion. Passionate about conscious fashion consumption.

In another professional world, I’m the owner and creative director of Invision Events, a luxury destination wedding design and planning firm. Through my career in the luxury events industry, I’ve used styling as a way to express confidence and build a recognizable extension of that brand. Combined with a degree in Public Relations, fashion and style for me is the an often underutilized publicity avenue that speaks for you in every situation you find yourself in.

Styling is a powerful way to cultivate your own personal brand within your industry. Whether you are a solopreneur needing to set yourself apart from the pack or an emerging leader within a larger company, building that personal brand for your professional life will give you more opportunities in the future. I feel passionate about helping women use fashion and styling as a tool to create and shape a visual form of their personal brands while also building confidence in how they are presenting themselves in any professional space. I’m here to guide, advise and support women in their fashion investments to shape the image they are wanting to create.

I am based in Birmingham, Ala., but you will most likely find me on a plane headed to a new destination.

It is my firm belief that everyone in business, especially women, deserves to feel confident in their own skin when entering different professional rooms and so much of that comes down to how the clothes you wear make you feel.

I want to help give you confidence in how you choose the items you invest in that in turn become your own style voice as you move through your professional life.

My Focus

Personal Brand Discovery and Strategy

I consult with you to identify and shape the personal brand you desire as you move through your career. This begins with sessions to work through where you are and the goals you have and then layer in what styling will best support those moves.

Outfit Curation and Styling

With your personal brand strategy in hand, I curate outfits that will not only work within your lifestyle, but also build upon themselves in the projects, meetings and events that you find yourself moving between. Using smart investments, the outfits I style for my clients are meant to live with you for years to come.

Special Event Styling

Our professional lives are often met with multi-day events that need extra attention. Events such as conferences and corporate retreats come with expectations that are difficult to focus on within our regularly scheduled work lives. This is where our work through your personal brand and strategy merges with a unique opportunity to display that brand in a setting outside the everyday.

Photo: Lance Nicoll

In addition to my work with our wedding clients designing their wedding, I consult with professionals of all kinds to help develop their personal brand voice through fashion and build their confidence when physically showing up for any job that is presented to them.

Photo: Rich Lander

Knowing who you are and how you want to present yourself to the world is a journey on its own. I’d be honored to be on that journey with you.